09 January 2009
The EU-FWC meeting at KCL 12th and 13th January 2009
By admin @ 14:00 :: 1926 Views :: Project News

 The EU-FWC meeting will be held on 12th and 13th January 2009 at KCL,  Espoo, Finland . The main aim of the meeting is to hasten the finalisation of the chain topology, to discuss and clarify open questions and to plan together the work for the last months. The meeting is aimed for all EFORWOOD partners actively working with EU-FWC.

Please, inform us of your of your attendance by sending an email to Taru (Taru.Palosuo@efi.int) and cc: to Helena (Helena.Wessman@kcl.fi) by Friday, 19th Dec. (late registration early January is also possible. 

How to prepare for the meeting?
-          Please study and complement the EU-FWC document
-          List all your questions and problems (Chain topology, indicator data collection, reference future and scenario implementation, …)
-          For the risk analysis discussion, prepare an answer to the question: what is the worst thing what can happen?

Should you have any questions regarding this meeting, please do not hesitate to contact Taru or Marcus.

Draft Agenda