26 April 2024
About Eforwood

Eforwood Group


EFORWOOD is a four-years (November 2005-October 2009) integrated project, funded under the EU “Global change and ecosystems“ research activity of the Sixth Framework Programme.
Project includes 38 organisations in 21 countries, with total estimated budget of €20 million – of which the European Commission contribution is approximately €13 million.
It gathers a consortium of highest-class experts, including the most representative forest-based sector research institutions and the leading European industry confederations in the sector.


Project Objective
The objective of EFORWOOD is to develop a quantitative decision support tool for Sustainability Impact Assessment of the European Forestry-Wood Chain (FWC) and subsets thereof (e.g. regional), covering forestry, industrial manufacturing, consumption and recycling.

The objective will be achieved by:

1. defining economic, environmental and social sustainability indicators,

2. developing a tool for Sustainability Impact Assessment by integrating a set of models ,

3. supplying the tool with real data, aggregated as needed and appropriate,

4. testing the tool in a stepwise procedure allowing adjustments to be made according to the experiences gained,

5. applying the tool to assess the sustainability of the present European  FWC (and subsets thereof) as well  the impacts  of potential major changes based on scenarios,

6. making the adapted versions of the tool available to stakeholder groupings (industrial, political and others).

The multi-functionality of the FWC is taken into account by using indicators to assess the sustainability of production processes and by including in the analysis the various products and services of the FWC.


Thematic Priority:
Global Change and Ecosystems
Duration: November 2005 - October 2009 (4 years)
Budget: €20 million
Partners: 38 organisations


Project Contact

Project Co-ordinator:
Prof. Kaj Rosen, Skogforsk, Sweden
Email: kaj.rosen@skogforsk.se
Web: www.eforwood.com

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