20 April 2024

The second EFORWOOD prototype report is now available (Deliverables 1.4.5 and 1.4.6)

The report aims to inform the researchers as well as interested stakeholders and the general public about the progress of work on the sustainability impact assessment (SIA) approach in EFORWOOD. The purpose of this document is to present the latest developments in ToSIA methodology and to give an overview of the work that has been done up to month 23 of the EFORWOOD project. Moreover, a review of the results of two single chains, the forest-defined pine chain in Scandinavia and the regional-defined spruce chain in Baden Württemberg is presented.
For more information on 2nd ToSIA prototype please contact project coordinator (kaj.rosen@skogforsk.se)
Deliverables Title Description Summary document Full document


FWC indicators set: Detailed review of existing sustainability indicators concepts and sustainability indicators sets of relevance for the FWC, review of potential indicators for selection and their assessment
The present document gives a short overview of the development of the EFORWOOD Indicator set. The report gives a definition of indicators and an overview of existing sustainability models. Thereafter it reviews alredy existing indicator sets that have been found relevant for the development of the EFORWOOD indicator set. 


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D1.3.1 EFORWOOD Forest Model The purpose of this report is to document the choice of model structure and development of the forest sector model to be applied in EFORWOOD. >> >>
D1.4.3 and D1.4.5
First ToSIA prototype  

The purpose of this document is to explain the general approach that ToSIA takes to assess the sustainability of FWCs. This delivery report provides a comprehensive documentation of the ToSIA modelling framework, referring to other documents for more detailed technical descriptions of the components.

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D1.5.5 A technical report documenting the results of the MCA and CBA procedures for a regional-defined single chain in Baden-Wurttemberg  After clarifying methodological isseus in the deliverables PD1.5.2 and PD1.5.3 , the evaluation tools were tested on a "real-life" example, the Baden-Wurttemberg single chain. >> >>
D2.2.2 Impact of forest management on environmental services This document synthesises the impact of forest management on environmental services from forests.  Focus is on impacts of the single forest management operations on indicators and of typical management alternatives (combinations of operations) on the services. >>  >>
D2.4.3 Forest stands management and vulnerability to biotic and abiotic hazards This document synthesized and reviewed the available information of the effects of forestry practices on stand vulnerability to biotoc and abiotic hazards in European forests, concentrating on mammal herbivores, pest insects, pathogenic fungi, wind and fire.
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D3.2.3 SI-data for harvesting operations This report concerns the documentation of how data and SI indicators are collected and formed for three test chains, namely Nordic Pine chain, Spruce chain and the Eucalyptus chain.  >> >>
D3.3.3 Assessement of logistics concept to sustainability: Development of a common approach to transport issues This document aims to give an overview of the general context of sustainability of transport and logistics and to explain the choice made within EFORWOOD. >> >>
D5.1.4 Report on process identification and aggregation including data for ToSIA test chains This report includes the results of the mapping process in Industry to consumer interactions (Module 5) of the EFORWOOD project. >> >>
D5.2.3 Report on relevant value chains from a FWC sustainability, consumer/market and macro-economic perspective This report contains analysis of the most relevant value chains from a FWC sustainability, consumer/market and micro-economic perspective. The report is based on a range of qualitative and quantitative methods including surveys, interviews and focus groups  >>  >>


Results Archive


Results Archive
EFORWOOD in brief

Thematic Priority:
Global Change and Ecosystems
Duration: November 2005 - October 2009
(4 years)
Budget: €20 million
Partners: 38 organisations


Project Contact

Project Co-ordinator:
Prof. Kaj Rosen, Skogforsk, Sweden
Email: kaj.rosen@skogforsk.se
Web: www.eforwood.com

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