25 April 2024
Module 0
This module focuses on design and scientific co-ordination of research, operational management and administration, as well as quality control of the results and the organisation of the dissemination. It contains five (5) work packages: Scientific co-ordination (WP0.0), Stakeholder and User groups participation (WP 0.1), IP Quality Control (WP 0.2), Meetings (WP 0.3) and Administration and Finances (WP 0.4).

Module 1

M1 will provide the framework for sustainability impact assessment within EFORWOOD. It will co-ordinate the selection of social, economic and environmental sustainability indicators, which will be applied consistently throughout the project. Main output of M1 will be ToSIA, the Tool for Sustainability Impact Assessment, including Multi-Criteria and Cost-Benefit evaluation routines.






Module 4

M4 will focus on manufacturing and processing of forest-based raw materials, from entering the industrial processes until material changes, from being commodity and becomes a specific material or a component. It will provide the required data in terms of criteria and indicators and supporting information for ToSIA. The M4 will aslo provide an analysis of scenarios of the major developments in forest products industries and markets within the next 10 to 20 years. 




Module 2

M2 aims at improving knowledge, methods and tools to assess the sustainability of forests and raw material production in the context of present and future FWCs. M2 will concentrate on key forest types and tree species for wood production in Europe and on several different scales (from local to European).The overall objective of M2 is to make a partial Sustainable Impact Assessemnt of resource management and to provide M1 with relevant data and results on the way forest management affects SIA indicators.




Module 5

This module covers the part of the FWC, where the chain comes virtually to an end, with consumers as the closing link. As key objective, the M5 will evaluate FWC products financial performance and impact on sustainability levels in interacting chains. It will focus on devlopment and application of a qualitative SIA tool for downstream part of FWCs and give suggestions for improvements to upstream parts of the chains. The overall objective is to evaluate FWC products functional performance and impact on sustainability levels in interacting value chains.


Module 3

This module covers all activities related to the conversion of living trees into pre-processed materials fed into industrial processes with regard to the impact and sustainability. This will include the allocation of appropriate raw materials to specific products and production processes, with impacts on material efficency, process effectiveness, energy and chemical use, economy. M3 will provide the data, relative criteria, indicators and additional supporting information for use in ToSIA. The overall objective is to provide data, relevant criteria, indicators and additional supporting information for use in ToSIA.


Module 6

This module will inform about the entire project philosophy and EFORWOOD objectives. Its overall aim is to effect better undestanding of and draw up options for change in the performance of activities of all actors in the FWC. This module has two main objectives: to prepare demo-packages of the user-friendly versions of the ToSIA and to co-ordinate the training of stakeholders and other end-users and to ensure the efficient dissemination of the results of EFORWOOD to users using various channels, such as seminars, training courses and publications.


eforwood images

Thematic Priority:
Global Change and Ecosystems
Duration: November 2005 - October 2009 (4 years)
Budget: €20 million
Partners: 38 organisations


Project Contact

Project Co-ordinator:
Prof. Kaj Rosen, Skogforsk, Sweden
Email: kaj.rosen@skogforsk.se
Web: www.eforwood.com

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